Keyword: Karl Barth - will return records that include both the terms Karl and Barth
A keyword search is a great start to any research.
Title: Karl Barth - will return records that have a title beginning with Karl Barth
Use a title search if you know the complete title of the work you are looking for.
The completeness and order of words matter in a title search. For example, a title search for Karl Barth will yield the result Karl Barth: A Theological Legacy but not Ecclesial Mediation in Karl Barth.
Author: Barth, Karl - will return records that are written by Karl Barth
Use an author search if you know the full or partial name of your author. Always list authors' names in the order of Last, First.
Saints' names are formatted as such: "Thomas, Aquinas, Saint" or "Clare, of Assisi, Saint"
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