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Writing - Writing & Citing Workshop: Turabian Style

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations

Turabian Style is an adaptation of the Chicago Manual of Style.  (Use the Chicago Manual to answer any questions not addressed by the Turabian Manual.)

Turabian is used for all classes at The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary's unless otherwise noted by your instructor.


  1. Footnotes or in-text references in the body of the paper
  2. Bibliography of cited or consulted items at the end of the paper

Citation Help Libguide

The Citation Help LibGuide provides the following information:

  1. Turabian formatting and examples for common academic sources (books, articles, etc.)
  2. Turabian formatting and examples for specialized Catholic resources (Catechism, encyclicals, etc.)
  3. Printable Cheat Sheets with Turabian formatting for most commonly used resources
  4. Printable Course Papers Guide with samples of a title page, quotes and footnotes within the body of a paper, and a bibliography in Turabian format
  5. Information on APA Style (an alternate citation style that is used in select Pastoral Counseling classes)
  6. More information on plagiarism, copyright, and fair use