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Human Development and Spiritual Experience: Citing Biblical Resources

APA Citation Guide

The Athenaeum uses the APA Style format for all research papers in the pastoral counseling program.

APA Online Resources

The Bible

When citing chapters and verses in text, the common citation for the chapter and verse, followed by the standard abbreviation for the Bible version (e.g., Ezek. 1:5-10 KJV), within the text is sufficient. No entry is required in the bibliography. If a version of the Bible is integral to the paper content, it should be included in the bibliography in the following format:

Title of Bible. (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.


The new Jerusalem bible. (1985). New York: Doubleday.

A list of standard abbreviations can be found using the APA handbook.


Name of Pope. (Year of Publication). Title (Title in English). In Editor's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Ed.), Title of Source Publication. Place of Publication: Publisher, page #- page #.


John Paul II. (2002). Fides et ratio (Faith and reason). In Hemming, L.P. (Ed.), Restoring faith in reason. London: SCM Press, 24-59.