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Faculty Publications: Dr. Matthew C. Genung, S.S.D.

Displays the publications of faculty members from the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mt. St. Mary's Seminary.

Dr. Matthew C. Genung, S.S.D., Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Chair of Biblical Studies

“Discipleship and the Divine Likeness.” Teaching the Faith 9, no.6 (June 2020).

Judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel: The Episcopacy and the Kingdom of God.” In Antistite nostro: The Episcopal Ministry in the Life of the Local Church, edited by Ryan T. Ruiz and David J. Endres, 177-195. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2024.

“One Flock, One Shepherd.” Teaching the Faith 13, no. 4 (April 2024).

The Composition of Genesis 37: Incoherence and Meaning in the Exposition of the Joseph Story. Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

The Divine Voice of Sinai in Emended Scripture.” In The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit: Perspectives on the Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, edited by Matthew C. Genung and Kevin Zilverberg, 51-68. St. Paul, MN: St. Paul Seminary Press, 2022.

The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit:  Perspectives on the Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture. Edited by Matthew C. Genung and Kevin Zilverberg. St. Paul, MN: St. Paul Seminary Press, 2022.